Hirundo training services
Our wide range of training is mainly aimed at training centers which need to program and / or conduct a training action in any IT field that we list below providing teachers with professional and training experience in these areas.
MS Office word processor software.
MS Office spreadsheet software.
MS Office database software and applications.
MS Office slide presentation software.
MS email and calendar software.
Opensource word processor software.
Opensource spreadsheet software.
Opensource databases software and applications.
Opensource slide presentation software.
One of the most implemented Microsoft operating system.
Probably your last computer Microsoft operating system.
The latest Microsoft operating system that is being implemented.
Learn how to manage your brand / company in social networks.
Create your own blog with this Goolge tool.
Create your own blog or develop a website based on wordpress tecnology.
Dropbox, Drive, Skydrive, WebMail, contacts and calendar sync, cloud collaboration...
Docs, Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Youtube, Picasa, Blogger, Translator...
Learn the Internet language and get confidence editing your sites.
Project Management from the scratch.
Micrsoft Project Management suite.