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Hirundo consulting services

Hirundo Consulting

Want to improve using technologies and do not know how? Want to upgrade your technology? Not sure where to start?

The Hirundo consulting services offers solutions to these questions and...

...guides you in the process of implementing them.



Connect all your resources in one or multiple locations, with all security and reliability. Access to your shared resources from anywhere.

Voice Comunications

are you becoming mad with telephony offers? Do not know what price or what solutions best fit your needs? We help establish the optimal solution for fixed and / or mobile telephony for your business.

IT Optimization

Don't waste your time in IT difficulties, we offer the solutions you need

to reach the most customers, streamline all internal procedures and not be obsolete in a changing world constantly.

We show you the path to follow

And if you decide to carry out such a solution, we guide you to succeed.

IT update

Setting up your technologies to succeed

Do you believe that with your current technological plant (network, phone, website, social media presence, etc..) your results should be better? We analyze and optimize your technology and settings for this purpose.

Strategic technology upgrade

to reach the most customers, streamline all internal procedures and not be obsolete in a changing world constantly.

IT customized training

We form on what you really need

Your staff does not take advantage of full functionalities of the IT tools they have at their disposal? Do you need to train them in office software? Or in teamwork and networking? Want to manage your image on Internet? Or just want to train staff in a new technology that has just implemented? Our training services meet your needs.

We adapt our training modules to your requirements

We offer training packages that we can customize and tailor to your needs. You can consult them in the training section.